Well, life is such a treat! I have an absolutely wonderful job teaching little third and fourth grade students! Although I love my job, I also love EVERYTHING else about my life too! Being done with my masters has been glorious! I have a husband who has blessed my life immensely. I have loving parents, a great family, adorably sweet nieces and the best friends a girl could ask for. I feel like a new woman this year!
Getting to workout everyday after work and get my workout on with a great community of peeps! To be honest, I love just hanging out at the gym and catching up with everyone! Talking Crossfit or life. You could say that I am addicted, obsessed or even a little neurotic about working out. Though I have found that it just makes me feel good. If you are a runner or have ever gotten a runner's high, then you know what I am talking about! Every single time I work out, I get that same endorphin rush and I just feel incredible! Even as I wipe myself up off the floor I know I have challenged myself, tested how much I can lift, how fast I can be, or just how hard I can push myself. It has taken almost all summer of working out to get back to this place that I used to be (long ago)! I have dealt with some injuries the past year, so I couldn't workout or had to baby my rib. Blah, Blah, Blah! What matters now is that I am back! And in full force! I feel great! Can't be contained! I know I still have a ways to go, but I am so much closer now to my goal, I can taste it!
I didn't want this whole post to go to "Crossfit," or working out! I am sure you get tired of hearing about it, but I didn't realize how my mental outlook had changed so much while being hurt. I am a positive person by nature, but life just didn't have the zest that it used to. I figured out the hard way that stress can do that to you. Especially over a long period of time, I just got their gradually so I didn't notice until I neck deep in quicksand! So to actually workout and "feel" good about it and everything else in my life, I feel like I got my zest back! Thank God teachers have summers off!
A Glance at Angie's Life
My little family!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My life is finally changing the way I want it to! I no longer have as much stress in my life because I am done with my Masters of Education degree. It felt like I would never get there, but I have finally taken my last tests, turned in my last papers and now only have to order my transcripts for my pay raise for next year!! Thank you to friends and family who have supported me throughout this long (almost 2 years) journey. I would like to especially thank my husband, Conn who had to put up with my most stressed out moments! Also, the MC (Jen, Tiffany, Megan and Emilie) I would have never even gotten through the first online class if it wasn't for you four ladies (or pro-cert for that matter), and also for keeping me sane and trying to make this process as "fun" as possible! Thank you to my family for understanding the pressure and stress I was feeling and for celebrating with me when I was FINISHED. It meant a lot to me to have you there, when I didn't have to worry about anything else in life except enjoying your company! So finally, there you have it! The weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Wittwers Getting Fit!
Ok, so it has been forever and a day since I have posted. Let just say I am not the best when it comes to this, but I keep trying! :) Conn and I have now been crossfitting for several months consistently. Key word consistently! We started to get on the fitness ban wagon in November, we were getting pretty lazy and we decided we needed to make it a priority in our lives. When I had my measurements taken in November I was at 140lbs. and 24% body fat. Conn was at 218 and 18% at the end of January. Yesterday, when Dan took our measurements, Conn was at 200lbs even and at 14% body fat! Way to go Honey! My body weight hasn't changed, I am getting used to the idea that it is pretty much where I will be for the rest of my life, but my body fat isn't 24% anymore, it is freaking 17%. I haven't been that low for 4 or 5 years people. Pretty excited about that! Not only have our body measurements changed, but we both have seen a change in our strength and endurance! If you think you are fit, try Crossfit, it will give you a whole different definition of fit! As they say you are not fit, until you are "Crossfit!" Its fun and different everyday! Dan and Kenton are in the process of building a Northside location very soon, come try it with me, I promise you will love it! Fitness has always been important to Conn and I. I mean come on, the first time we met, we worked out together. The gym has been a kind of staple in our lives for a long time. But with starting new jobs and my good ol' masters program we kind of let it go and didn't make it a priority. But now we are back in the habit! The hardest part seriously is starting, when you finally do it for a month consistently, you will feel great! We are feeling better (no aches and pains) and stronger with more energy and loving life. ( Did I forget to mention that my husband is a hottie! :)
Love you all and hope you have a great Day!
Love you all and hope you have a great Day!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Oh Boy!
Conn and I decided to try out Dan's new Crossfit class at Fast Trac Performance in the Valley. Wow, it is super intense! I know I am going to be walking funny for the next couple days, but it is so worth it. One t-shirt said "Our warm-up is your workout" and that is right on the money! We could have been done after the warm up and still been sore. But we decided to press on. Just to give you an idea of the intensity the names of our exercises were: "Thrusters," "Hang Cleans," and then "Sumo Dead Lift Raises" which you had to do as many times as you could in 20 minutes. Let me tell you, after three sets I asked Kenton how long we had been going because I am thinking I am about to tap out, his reply is "6 minutes" OMG!
Anyways, it was hard, great and we are going back!
Anyways, it was hard, great and we are going back!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Fun, Friends and Family!
The last two weekends have been full of fun, friends and family!
For the second year in a row, in September we have gone to Greenbluff to wine taste, pick blackberries and get pumpkin doughnuts. Here we are with our blackberries, they were delicious! I took them in to school to share with my sixth graders for snack, they loved them!

Last weekend we went to the Kevin and Grace's Family cabin on Pend O'reille River. I love going to this cabin for so many reasons: it is so comfy, beautiful and inviting, it is in the middle of the forest but right next to the river, and the company there is always the best!

We went for a four mile walk along the RR tracks to a train bridge, sadly we didn't see a train. But the walk was nice and refreshing.
My brother, Andrew and his girlfriend, Becca came up for the weekend (Oct18-19). On Sunday, we took them to Greenbluff and we got to see the pumpkin cannon for the first time, which is so impressive (it goes a lot higher than I thought it would!), then we went and bought candy from the Ellie's Candy Shoppe, it is to die for, everything was so good! Then we went to the Harvest House for lunch and bought Pumpkin Doughnuts for Conn's parents(we had some too!:). There was a big festival going on with lots of vendors and music, and hay rides. I didn't get to go on a hayride, but I want to next year! :) It was such a beautiful fall day, I can't get over how perfect the weather was!
Andrew and Becca

On our way home we passed Cat Tales, my brother being the cat enthusiast that he is asked if we could go, and it was pretty awesome to see these big, strong animals. Andrew signed up for the Big Cat Adventure, he got to feed one of the tigers, pretty awesome! Here is the MGM lion that Cat Tales rescued.
Here's to great weekends with great people! Love you all!
For the second year in a row, in September we have gone to Greenbluff to wine taste, pick blackberries and get pumpkin doughnuts. Here we are with our blackberries, they were delicious! I took them in to school to share with my sixth graders for snack, they loved them!
Last weekend we went to the Kevin and Grace's Family cabin on Pend O'reille River. I love going to this cabin for so many reasons: it is so comfy, beautiful and inviting, it is in the middle of the forest but right next to the river, and the company there is always the best!
We went for a four mile walk along the RR tracks to a train bridge, sadly we didn't see a train. But the walk was nice and refreshing.
My brother, Andrew and his girlfriend, Becca came up for the weekend (Oct18-19). On Sunday, we took them to Greenbluff and we got to see the pumpkin cannon for the first time, which is so impressive (it goes a lot higher than I thought it would!), then we went and bought candy from the Ellie's Candy Shoppe, it is to die for, everything was so good! Then we went to the Harvest House for lunch and bought Pumpkin Doughnuts for Conn's parents(we had some too!:). There was a big festival going on with lots of vendors and music, and hay rides. I didn't get to go on a hayride, but I want to next year! :) It was such a beautiful fall day, I can't get over how perfect the weather was!
On our way home we passed Cat Tales, my brother being the cat enthusiast that he is asked if we could go, and it was pretty awesome to see these big, strong animals. Andrew signed up for the Big Cat Adventure, he got to feed one of the tigers, pretty awesome! Here is the MGM lion that Cat Tales rescued.
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